18 Donors who aren’t degreeholders

# i always begin by loading the disco engine if it isn't already loaded

We have what looks like an easy request:

Find donors to the School of Information who are not SIM degree holders.

Having already looked up the codes, you immediately think:

gave_to_area(SIM) %but_not% has_degree_from(LI)

Unfortunately, as you begin reviewing the results, you notice that you produced a list that includes spouses of degree holders who received credit for household gifts to SIM.

To get around the issue, use the married_to widget (a higher-order widget). Note the use of parentheses to ensure the correct interpretation:

alum = has_degree_from(LI)
non_alum_donor = 
    gave_to_area(SIM) %but_not%
    (alum %or% married_to(alum))