13 Add-on packages

There are a growing number of packages that provide the Disco Engine user with additional functionality:

13.1 discoappend

discoappend allows you to output additional data (beyond just IDs) based on your disco engine definitions. For an introduction with examples, check the official README.

13.2 discovcr

discovcr allows you to browse data related to your discovery engine definition and select just the IDs you want to keep. This can be particularly useful when using text-search widgets such as fund_text_contains, where you may want to review the individual allocations you captured in your original search and remove any that were false matches (for example, a search for funds related to “diversity” brings in a number of biology research funds related to bio-diversity).

For a detailed introduction to using discovcr, read the “vignette” that includes examples and instructions by typing:

vignette("vcr-intro", package = "discovcr")

13.3 discoscape

The discoscape package serves as a bridge between the Discovery Engine and DonorScape. The donorscape_report function outputs data in the format required by the DonorScape screening service, so that you can discover and/or define a population using the Discovery Engine, and then immediately run that population through a DonorScape without much hassle in between.

As with any package, you can load it up by using the library function:


The main function is called donorscape_report, and you can learn more about it by typing:
