14 Political economy list

Here’s the request:

Can you please generate a prospect list for me that includes econ, political economy, poli sci and business grads. And also include donors to Haas Center, Goldman School and CEGA?

I start with the part I already know – business grads.

is_business_grad = has_degree_from(business)

I believe Economics, Political Economy, and Political Science are all majors. I don’t know major codes, but most widgets have a built-in lookup feature:

## Regular codes and synonyms:
##                          synonym   code
##           agricultural_economics    024
##    household_arts_home_economics   373X
##                   law_jd_econ_ma 501246
##           pol_econ_of_indust_soc    697
##        pol_econ_of_nat_resources    698
##  agricultural_resource_economics    034
##                        economics    246
##                  economics_ma_jd 246501
##                political_economy    2B2
##        environmental_econ_policy    779
##          urban_secondary_english  24903

Ok, looks like economics and political_economy should definitely be included. What about political science?

## Regular codes and synonyms:
##            synonym code
##  political_economy  2B2
##  political_science  699

So now I have what I need for the other graduates:

is_poli_econ_grad = majored_in(political_science, political_economy, economics)

Now I need to find donors to the Haas Center, Goldman School, and CEGA. Some follow-up clarified that the “Haas Center” here is referring to the Haas Institute for a fair and inclusive society . I don’t know if that is an area of giving, a department, a fund? So I use the brainstorm bot. From experience, I know that “institute” sometimes appears in CADS as the full word “institute” and is sometimes abbreviated to something like “inst.” I’ll use the wildcard (*) ability in the brainstorm bot to make sure I capture all possibilities:

brainstorm_bot("haas inst*")
## attended_event 
##     4340: Haas Institutional Analysis Workshop
##     2843: Haas Institutional Analysis Workshop
## has_affiliation 
##     BUA18: *Haas Inst of Mgmt, Innovation & Org
##     BUIBI: Haas Institute for Business Innovation
##     BUBSI: Haas Institute for Bus & Social Impact
## on_committee 
##     IBIAB: Haas Inst/Business Innovation Adv Board

Ah ha! It’s the department.

is_haas_ctr_donor = gave_to_department(HDRC)

CEGA is the “effective global action center.” Once again, I’ll ask the brainstorm bot for suggestions:

brainstorm_bot("global action")
## gave_to_department 
##     CEGA: Effective Global Action Center
## has_philanthropic_interest 
##     GA: Center for Effective Global Action
is_cega_donor = gave_to_department(CEGA)

I already happen to know that the Goldman School is an area of giving, so:

is_goldman_donor = gave_to_area(public_policy)

The request was for people who meet any of the given criteria, so I’ll use %or% to combine them:

prospect_list = is_business_grad %or% 
    is_poli_econ_grad %or%
    is_haas_ctr_donor %or%
    is_cega_donor %or%

## # A tibble: 91,817 x 1
##    entity_id
##        <dbl>
##  1         2
##  2         5
##  3        13
##  4        16
##  5        28
##  6        51
##  7        78
##  8        81
##  9        98
## 10       109
## # … with 91,807 more rows